I woke up around 9 and got ready to leave the hotel because Jashin and I were going to try to go see the torch relay! This was the first of 3 days that the torch would return to Beijing and make its way to the Birds Nest on the 8th. So we got in the subway and headed out toward the Temple Of Heaven because we knew that was the ending point. We got to the North gate and were told that the torch was actually going to be entering the East gate of the Temple of Heaven (this refers to the huge park surrounding the actual temple so it is HUGE). So we started to head to the east gate which was quite a long walk, but it was ok because we were joined by a couple who is from Kansas! Small world huh? They were very interesting people to meet and talk to. They used to be cheerleaders at Wichita State. They were only in China for a couple of days because they were moving to Korea to teach at a Christian school there and China was just a pit stop. So our group made it to the correct gate that the flame was going to enter the temple of Heaven through and we waited and took in the crowd. While standing there my friend Jashin started to talk to another couple, the husband was english and the wife chinese. They were pretty cool. After a little while this couple informed us that they heard the flame may be driven into the temple of heaven so we might not get to see it, so they lead us and the Kansas couple to another location where the relay would be passing. Jashin and I found a spot along the road when we got to the torch designated pass route. We all stood there for a long time because it was only about 12:30 or 1 and we were told it could be 3 pm before the relay actually passed by. We had pretty good spots until the coca-cola volunteers lined up in front of us with all their flags. I leaned over to Jashin at this point and told her to save my spot because I had an idea! You see just across the street on the corner was a roped off section just for press and media. I had my business cards from KOMU and also my BOCOG credentials that said I was allowed into press areas (even though it really only applied to the cycling road course)! haha Well I showed the guard near the roped off section and he just let me right in, so I hollered to Jashin and she and I were able to be 2 of about 5 reporters in this about 20 foot by 20 foot roped off section. It was sweet!!!! I had a great spot for pictures and we didn't have to be in the crowd! Because the crowd was nuts! There were so many people! People were pushing and shoving and crammed every where just to see the flame!

Jashin and I were in the press area for about an hour when I went and got us some water! It was hot, and we were standing around for a few hours but finally the torch relay party started coming by! As the relay approached we could tell because the cars were stopped from traveling on the roads, even more guards and soldiers were brought in and then the buses carry the people who would be the torch bearers brought them around and dropped them off at the designated passing points! There was one right in front of us! They were marked with stickers on the ground...haha. After the buses then came the vehicles with cheerleaders and load music a cop car and then bam! WE SAW THE FLAME!!! It was amazing we saw the flame being passed from one girl to another then the woman in my picture passed it on to an old man in front of us! THe crowd was going wild, pictures snapping everywhere, cheering, helicopters overhead, camera guys shooting footage! IT WAS AWESOME!!! My best picture is here

After seeing the torch I could really feel the Olympic spirit flowing through me! I was so pumped! Eventually Jashin and I were able to get away from the crowds but not without more than a few pictures! I actually had her take a picture right on the spot where the flame was passed and then I peeled the sticker off the road and kept it! It say on it, number 387 official torch relay Beijing 2008 Olympics!!

So that was a pretty neat momento! After Jashin and I got back toward the subway we decided that we should probably eat something since we had not really had any food for awhile and it was nearing 6 pm!! We went and ate at a KFC nearby and her and I put away an entire family meal! The meal was huge too, haha so I think we scared the chinese people around us with how much we ate, we had 4 hot wings, corn on the cob, 2 breadsticks, 2 drumsticks, 2 wings, and 2 thighs plus a 2 liter of pepsi!!!!
After I got back to the hotel I was wiped out and pretty much just showered was lazy, watch a bit of tv and then called it a night!
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