I have been selected for a chance of a lifetime this summer and to document my time in China I have started this blog. I am going to be living in Beijing, China for two months. During these two months I will be taking a class a month before the Olympics then I will be assisting with reporting during the 2008 games.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sunday I woke up and was able to talk to Micah for quite some time. Then he was able to figure out how to download Skype and he and I were able to call each other through our computers. It was fun, and I also got to see him because he has a webcam. After chatting with him I ate a jelly sandwich and then watched the movie Wall-E. After I watched the movie, which is so cute and one of my favorites (I saw it in theaters before I left the states, I started to get ready because our group had tickets to go to the Flying Acrobats Show. We rented a bus to take us to the theater and we arrived there about an hour early. So we had a chance to go get some food before hand if we wanted to. So Whitney, Allie, Eric, Dan and I decided to take a walk to go look for some food. We walked down a residential area and ended up finding some food from a local vendor. Whitney and I split a sort of beef quesadilla thing before the show. We walked back to the theater just in time to be seated. The show was amazing, It was theatrical, so there were laser shows, lights, colorful costumes, music, live birds, cool special effects with the stage either having the middle drop out, or having things raise out of the center. IT WAS SO COOL! The whole show was an incredible display of strength, flexibility, grace, aero-stunts, and acrobatic skills. So cool. I loved it so much that I could not describe how amazing it is! YOU MUST SEE THIS SHOW, if ever you are in Beijing, call me up, I will give you the name of the theater! HAHA! Some of the highlights were bike tricks, where at the end there were about 25 women balancing on one bike, another lady was so flexible she sat on her own head! Yes that is what I said. haha, Another cool stunt was where these two men brought out this huge structure that looked like a sort of ferris wheel thing with only 2 round hamster like wheels on either side opposite of each other. The guys ran inside these rings while the entire thing spun around! I will have to add a picture to show this.

It was so cool. I was so thrilled to get to see this show, after about 40 mins the curtain dropped and we all were like! NO!! it can't be done yet...haha it was just a 10 min. intermission though so that was good. I went and bought some popcorn and then headed back in to watch the show. The finale was a combination of all kinds of tricks, constumes, live parrots flying around and of course drums and music! I was blown away by this show! After the show was over I got ready for bed and watched Indianna Jones to put myself to sleep.

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