I have been selected for a chance of a lifetime this summer and to document my time in China I have started this blog. I am going to be living in Beijing, China for two months. During these two months I will be taking a class a month before the Olympics then I will be assisting with reporting during the 2008 games.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

SORRY!!! But I will finish it all!

Hello everyone!

I know that I am extremely behind on my blog. The Olympics and all the excitement I have had kept me busy! I still want to share all my memories with you however and since I am leaving China tomorrow I will just have to finish all my entries when in the US.

So I hope you all keep reading and checking! More pics and stories are yet to come!!!!

Thanks so much for keeping up with me and I can't wait to be back in the states, but at the same time I am going to miss this and the experiences, the Olympics and the people!

I am so happy the Lord gave me this chance!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 8th in China, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! OMG!!!!

So I woke up today pumped because it was 8-8-08! OMG The Olympics finally were here! WOW! I had to get to work at like 8, I had some breakfast and did some posters and organizing of the help desk and venue before lunch time. We had the usual chinese airline food! haha During lunch Jashin and I decided we were going to try and get on the Olympic green so that we could at least see the birds nest during the opening ceremony! We had to wait until 4 to leave though. We didn't have much to do after lunch but me and some of the other volunteers took a walk around the area where the start point was and the result of this walk was about 1,000 pictures of us near the start point! haha

After taking lots of pictures with the other volunteers I was able to walk over to the post office tent and purchase some Olympic Postcards with the postage date of 8/8/08. I thought those were pretty cool so I picked up a batch for Jashin too. Well after work she and I got on the bus and headed to the nearest subway. We got off the subway line 10 and plopped right into the HUGE opening ceremony crowd!!! It was amazing, as we transfered to line 8 (The Olympic line) we saw all kinds of people from different countries and cultures! It was awesome and the energy was like electricity!

Once we got off the subway we had to go out of the station and up to the ground and go through security to get into the Olympic Line. Because the Olympic line 8 takes you directly into the Olympic Green. We stood in line for about an hour and by that time it was already about 5:30 pm. We got to the front of the line and then were told we were in the wrong line! Good grief...so we had to go to the end line, which was the "volunteer" entrance line. We stood in this line, talking to people surrounding us. There were several chinese people of course, but also people from Hungary, Mexico, Brasil and America among many many others. I was able to also trade a lady for a coca-cola pin while standing here. We were in that line for about 45 mins so by the time we reached the front it was near 6:15. We got angry because we were rejected entry to get on the Green. We seriously were the only volunteers that had been turned away from getting into the green from that line. It sucked that we didn't get in and on our way trying to get into the green we met a girl from Slovakia (or something like that) and she wasn't able to get in either. Her name was Anna. Anna left us shortly after we were rejected from the green line so that she could try to get in another way. Well Jashin and I were rather angry but we hadn't gave up yet, so we headed out to try and get around to another gate and while we were walking some people from Michigan and another few people from Canada decided to follow us. We all tried to walk around but by this time guards and cops had all the roads blocked off and we couldn't get around to another entrance. Then the cops and guards wouldn't even let people stand out on the sidewalk where you could sort of see the birds nest. No they were pushing the crowd to move in the opposite direction, away from the green and the Birdsnest. We felt bad that the other people who had followed us were kind of betting on us to find them a way in to. By the time 7 pm rolled around Jashin and I had no luck even getting close to be able to see fireworks. So we had to say sorry and goodbye to the guys who were following us and then we got in a cab. Jashin and I got back to Renmin about 7:50, we had 10 mins until the start of the ceremony. So we tried to go next door to the hotel where a bunch of people were going to watch it on a projector screen. Funny enough, the way our luck would have it, the projector broke just as we entered the room. So we had like 5 minutes to get to my room! We hurried to my room and caught the beginning of the countdown for the ceremony! We sat in my hotel room and watched all of the opening performances and once the athletes parade started Jashin went to order us pizza. I was able to watch the entire show and then once our pizza got here I was able to enjoy some Papa John's!!! YUM!!! After the athlete parade, Blair, my roomie came back to the room and Jashin left to go finish watching in her room. I sat and watched the rest of the ceremony straight up to the lighting of the torch and the very last broadcasted moment. I was blown away by all the fireworks, cool effects and the dancers and performers. I loved the giant scroll that was the center of the performance! How cool! After the broadcast was over I got in the shower and tried to get to sleep fast because I had to be up and at the bus at 5:30 am the next morning because it was the Men's Cycling Road Race!

August 7th in China, Hanging out and going to Pyros!

Today was a lazy day, I wasn't feeling well again...the food I think. So I just stayed around the room, went to the diner next to the hotel to grab a sandwich and pretty much just watched some movies and got on facebook. I sent out a few e-mails too. Around 5 Allie called me and her and Whitney wanted me to go to Pyros pizza with them. So I got cleaned up and headed out with the group. It turns out Pyros pizza is a lil pub/pizza place that many international visitors go to. It was fun to just hang out, chat with everyone and listen to the music. Heck, I even got up to do the soulja boy dance with Allie! HAHA Yes I am a dork. But I stayed there for a couple hours, just enjoying myself and munching on some great pizza breadstick things and then I took a cab back to the hotel with another girl from MU, named Wendy. Wendy is pretty cool she and I talked about our majors and events we were working and since she has already graduated she is going to get to stay and work the paralympics. I got to bed shortly after getting home and was prepared for the next day because it was 8-8-08!!!!! TIME FOR THE GAMES TO BEGIN!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 6th in China, THE TORCH RELAY!!!

I woke up around 9 and got ready to leave the hotel because Jashin and I were going to try to go see the torch relay! This was the first of 3 days that the torch would return to Beijing and make its way to the Birds Nest on the 8th. So we got in the subway and headed out toward the Temple Of Heaven because we knew that was the ending point. We got to the North gate and were told that the torch was actually going to be entering the East gate of the Temple of Heaven (this refers to the huge park surrounding the actual temple so it is HUGE). So we started to head to the east gate which was quite a long walk, but it was ok because we were joined by a couple who is from Kansas! Small world huh? They were very interesting people to meet and talk to. They used to be cheerleaders at Wichita State. They were only in China for a couple of days because they were moving to Korea to teach at a Christian school there and China was just a pit stop. So our group made it to the correct gate that the flame was going to enter the temple of Heaven through and we waited and took in the crowd. While standing there my friend Jashin started to talk to another couple, the husband was english and the wife chinese. They were pretty cool. After a little while this couple informed us that they heard the flame may be driven into the temple of heaven so we might not get to see it, so they lead us and the Kansas couple to another location where the relay would be passing. Jashin and I found a spot along the road when we got to the torch designated pass route. We all stood there for a long time because it was only about 12:30 or 1 and we were told it could be 3 pm before the relay actually passed by. We had pretty good spots until the coca-cola volunteers lined up in front of us with all their flags. I leaned over to Jashin at this point and told her to save my spot because I had an idea! You see just across the street on the corner was a roped off section just for press and media. I had my business cards from KOMU and also my BOCOG credentials that said I was allowed into press areas (even though it really only applied to the cycling road course)! haha Well I showed the guard near the roped off section and he just let me right in, so I hollered to Jashin and she and I were able to be 2 of about 5 reporters in this about 20 foot by 20 foot roped off section. It was sweet!!!! I had a great spot for pictures and we didn't have to be in the crowd! Because the crowd was nuts! There were so many people! People were pushing and shoving and crammed every where just to see the flame!

Jashin and I were in the press area for about an hour when I went and got us some water! It was hot, and we were standing around for a few hours but finally the torch relay party started coming by! As the relay approached we could tell because the cars were stopped from traveling on the roads, even more guards and soldiers were brought in and then the buses carry the people who would be the torch bearers brought them around and dropped them off at the designated passing points! There was one right in front of us! They were marked with stickers on the ground...haha. After the buses then came the vehicles with cheerleaders and load music a cop car and then bam! WE SAW THE FLAME!!! It was amazing we saw the flame being passed from one girl to another then the woman in my picture passed it on to an old man in front of us! THe crowd was going wild, pictures snapping everywhere, cheering, helicopters overhead, camera guys shooting footage! IT WAS AWESOME!!! My best picture is here

After seeing the torch I could really feel the Olympic spirit flowing through me! I was so pumped! Eventually Jashin and I were able to get away from the crowds but not without more than a few pictures! I actually had her take a picture right on the spot where the flame was passed and then I peeled the sticker off the road and kept it! It say on it, number 387 official torch relay Beijing 2008 Olympics!!

So that was a pretty neat momento! After Jashin and I got back toward the subway we decided that we should probably eat something since we had not really had any food for awhile and it was nearing 6 pm!! We went and ate at a KFC nearby and her and I put away an entire family meal! The meal was huge too, haha so I think we scared the chinese people around us with how much we ate, we had 4 hot wings, corn on the cob, 2 breadsticks, 2 drumsticks, 2 wings, and 2 thighs plus a 2 liter of pepsi!!!!
After I got back to the hotel I was wiped out and pretty much just showered was lazy, watch a bit of tv and then called it a night!

August 5th in China, Introducing Multi-tasking!

The next day was just another day of work. I was tired and work ended up being a whole lot of nothing as usual. haha One thing did get on my nerves however, apparently one of the managers had a different idea of teamwork than I did. I had to sit with the other help desk volunteers and the manager told me that she thought I could do a better idea of fitting in with the team. I was upset at this because what they thought was me not doing teamwork was me actually getting tasks done. One thing I have noticed is the definition of team work and how people here view working. We don't all get tasks delegated out and then each complete one to help get everything done faster, no the managers thought because I would do things on my own that I wasn't working as a team. You see working as a team means everyone works on one thing apparently. So if there was a sign needing made on a computer that obviously could only be worked on by one person, the managers thought everyone should help. So many times you would see like 8 people standing around doing nothing while someone did a task to work as a "team". I had to explain to my manager, Christy, why I though it was better for everyone to work on different things. I had to explain the idea of multi-tasking and teamwork like it is in the USA. I was not going to let them think I wasn't working, or doing work the right way. After our discussion I was able to convince them that it was in fact better for everyone to put their time to use and that it was possible to do several tasks at once. This was the most productive day we ever had!!

After a long day of training, and the training meals I was ready to go home. Did I mention this whole time that the meals we have been eating are chinese airline meals? Yeah they are absolutely awful.

Jashin and I left early, around 5 because we were done with work and did not want to sit and wait for the shuttle bus that came at 7 pm. Instead we were able to get ourselves back to the University on our own using public buses and the subway. We only messed up once and missed one subway stop. While on the subway we ran into Matt H. and Justin, 2 other MU guys here. They had been shopping at yashow market so we talked with them as we headed back to the hotel.
Once we got back to the hotel, me and Blair and Quinn walked toward the grocery store and KFC. Blair and Quinn went to the store but I left them as we got near KFC and I went in and bought myself some dinner.
I watched a couple movies then and relaxed because the next day was my day off. Thank goodness!!

August 4th in China, Practice Road Cycling Race!!

We got up early and loaded on the buses at 5:30 am. I made it to the start point where I first grabbed some breakfast and then completed some tasks before our mock cycling race. The other volunteers and I got all our work dome before we opened the media workroom at 8. The mock race start time was 11. So from 8 to 11 we answered questions and helped the other volunteers as they role-played that they were journalists. We had to make sure that everything would run smoothly when the real journalists needed help on the 9th. I was allowed to go get some lunch at around 10:30 and then I had to get ready to lead the journalists to the media shuttle. I waited in front of the media tent and had them all meet there around the start of the race. I was able to see the racers who were going to be riding the course that day as they took off.

After the race started we headed to the media transfer buses that were the only way of transportation to get the journalists to the finish point. Once I arrived at the finish point I was allowed to switch roles with a few other volunteers and I was then playing the part of a journalist. I was able to watch some of the race, enjoy some cookies and coffee in the media lounge, as well as watch an episode of the office on my computer. After the race had been going on for a little while I was able to get into one of the press vans that followed the racers and I was able to see the race take place as well as the full course. The course had to be a killer on the racers, it was so steep and curvy!
After the race had finished I was able to sit in the press conference room and attend the false press conference. I told you we did everything as if it were the real thing. haha, We left nothing out.
After the false race we were allowed to get on the shuttles and head back to Beijing. I was a little lazy that night and pretty much just ate and showered and then got to bed. I had to train and work again the next day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 3rd in China, dinner with April and Sophie!

I got up early again today and got out to the parking lot next to our hotel. Today we were all heading out to the Finish point again to train. We tried to get a little organizing done, and a little decorating. This day was pretty slow, I tried my best to keep occupied but they don't have organizational skills at our venue and are not very good at delegating tasks and then also getting them executed. The most I got done today was helping to cover up brand names on outlets with stickers, I am not kidding you. We can't have any brands showing that aren't a sponsor so this is what I did. Then I was asked by the venue manager to make 10 posters to hang up around the venue for the next day. For one, I didn't have any stuff to make posters with and for two I knew I couldn't get 10 done by the next day but I told them I would try. After we finally were allowed to leave the finish point we took the shuttle back to the Renmin Hotel. I then headed to a market with Sophie and April, the two chinese volunteers who had visited me a couple nights ago. They took me to the market to buy markers and pens and paper for the posters. It was nice to walk around and talk with them. After the market Sophie asked if I wanted to join them for dinner. So the two girls and I headed to the Paradiso Cafe. This cafe is the one across the street from my hotel and under the business school. Sophie ended up buying my dinner for me which was extremely nice, and extremely delicious. :) I had a philly cheesesteak sandwich. It was awesome.

The girls and I mostly talked about food, differences in America and China and small talk about work. The girls were very interested in something I told them about... mozzarella sticks! hahaha They had never heard of em, and actually because China doesn't have much cheese they found it really funny that when I was asked about my favorite foods that they all included cheese! LOL

After dinner we headed back to the hotel, where I went to my room and they headed back to their dorms. That night I just relaxed, watched a movie, drew a couple posters of pandas and then got to bed early. The next day was going to be a complete mock rehearsal of the road cycling race! So we could make sure we were fully prepared for the real deal on the 9th!